Friday, April 8, 2011

Grocery Store Blunder

Well it didn't take long for a story to present itself. It happened yesterday. I was completely embarrassed, it was a "wanna get away?" moment for sure. *Warning- This story contains poop*

This story took place in a grocery store. To tell it properly I will begin at home, before we took off for the store. Eli and I were having a normal day. He was playing with ALL of his toys and had them sprawled out across the whole downstairs of the house. He was spending a lot of his time in his Toy Story tent; he had a lot of his toys in there with him and kept telling me that he was "hiding". He can play and keep himself entertained for quite a while. I thought nothing of it. He came walking up to me after "hiding" for a while and said "stinky". Now let me just say this child of mine would be very happy to sit in his own filth all day long, he does not care when he has a mess in his pants, and would be happy if I never changed his underwear again. (He wears pull-ups we call them underwear). I guess it’s also important to tell you that we're in the midst of potty training. He has "peepee on the potty" pretty much mastered, but of course "poopoo on the potty" has thus far been..... a nightmare.
So need less to say I was very surprised that he came and told me that he was "stinky". I got closer, and the stench hit me like a slap in the face. It was horrid. It was beyond horrid it was unbearable. So unbearable that not even Eli wanted to be around it. 
I wont go into to details, but my kid had the runs. It was a mess. Joey got home a few hours after this. We both decided we were canceling all plans of going to bible study and running any errands that night. We didn't want to take the chance of a "blow out" while we weren't home.
Unfortunately we did have to go to the grocery store. One of those days you realize you have no milk, nothing to fix for dinner and I also had promised my parents I would do the grocery shopping. Either one of us or all three of us had to go. We hesitantly decided for all 3 of us to go, we wouldn't be gone long and we wanted to spend the time together.
While at the grocery store I would keep asking Joey, does he smell, is he stinky? Joey would tell me he didn't smell anything and we would move on to the next aisle. Towards the end of our shopping, while our cart was full, Eli suddenly said "POTTY!" At this point I was so paranoid that he was going to explode everywhere that I was maybe, slightly panicked. We had put the diaper bag in the cart when we had arrived to the store (when I say we, sometimes I just mean me, but I like to blame Joey also, so this is why I say we). So by this time we had piled all of our groceries on top of the bag. I could barely see it under all the yogurts, ice cream, pull-ups, frozen dinners and etc. we had thrown on top of it. Joey had gotten Eli out of the cart; he was standing there holding on to his pants waiting for us to get our act together. Joey was hurrying to pull all of the groceries away so I could get to the diaper bag, I could see it, I could now get to the diaper bag! I quickly pulled the diaper bag up, Joey is still pushing everything to the side, Eli is still standing there watching us panic (and when I say us, I mean me), and out comes the diaper bag.... but not just the diaper bag, the cran-raspberry juice (it was buy one get one free by the way) came with it. As fast as I had pulled the diaper bag out, the juice came just as fast, and even faster to the ground.
Next thing I know, the juice top has broken off, juice has shot across the floor, and not only on the floor but a wave of it came straight for Eli, soaking his pants and shoes. I hurry to pick the juice jug up so it would stop spilling; Joey is running to tell the guy that puts all the fruit out that we've (I've) made a mess. I look at Eli he's still standing in the same spot, starring at me, still holding on to his pants, just starring at me (covered in juice). I'm not sure if it was a look of shock or amazement or horror but he's just looking at me with a blank stare. I look over at Joey and he's standing next to the fruit guy, pointing at me from across the store. Fruit guy yells "Larry, clean up in the meat department. Larry cleanup."
A lady shopper walks buy us and says "Wow". I look down at Eli; he is over the shock and is now starting to jump in the puddle of juice. I pick him up, get the diaper bag and start for the bathroom. And has anyone ever noticed that grocery store bathrooms are always the hardest to find?
Eli and I finally get to the bathroom. I get a new pair of underwear out, I get a bunch of wipes ready, and I look in his pants. No poop. I looked at Eli and said to him, "I thought you said you went poop." And he said "potty", and points to the toilet. All he needed to do was go pee, no explosion, no emergency, no cause for a catastrophe in the grocery, we (I) freaked out for nothing.
P.s- Joey called me while we were in the bathroom, and informed me he was hiding in the frozen food section and would meet us there when we were done.   

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The very first blog......

I'd like to first explain why I've started my blog. I like to tell stories, mostly family stories. Like most parents, I love to brag about my kid. His name is Eli and he’s a crazy little 2 ½ year old. He will be the main subject of most of my stories J The Eli story I’ve told others that seems to burn into memories the most is the time this child picked up a cockroach and ate half of it. He had little cockroach legs around his mouth and was holding the other half in his hand. This little boy, is just that a full on grubby, stinky, bug eating, loving little boy. He is scared of nothing and will do anything. He amazes me, at times disgusts me but more than anything makes me proud of the boy he is and the man he will be.

My other subject is my husband Joey. This man has given me so much material I don’t even know what to do with it all. To give you a little taste of how off the wall he is, on a regular basis I find myself pleading with him to have a normal conversation with me. Because more often than not he will sing a conversation to me. That’s right he will sing through a conversation. And if he isn’t singing than he’s dancing. And if he isn’t dancing he is making a fart noise or some other crazy sound. He is the love of my life and he always keeps me entertained.

So those are my Chapin boys. You’ll get to know them very well through my blog so get ready ;)

The things I brag about might be slightly different than one would expect. I like to brag about the silly things that go on. The things that maybe no one else would tell a soul, I brag to anyone that will listen. I of course like any wife or mother love to brag about the great things that happen in my Chapin boy's lives also. Which is why I’ve titled this blog The Chapin’s Blunders and Wonders. You will not only hear about all the silly blunders that go on but also the amazing wonders that happen in this Chapin family of three.

I'm like an old man, in the way that I love telling stories. Usually ones that I think are hilarious and have a great punch line. I can tell the same story over and over again and still laugh at it just the same as I did when it happened to me or when I heard it the first time (you know just like an old man that tells the same story time and time again) I'm starting this blog so that I can share all my stories with you.