Friday, May 20, 2011

The Adventures of Taking an Adventure

We recently took a family trip out to Pennsylvania. Joey's brother got married out in Pittsburgh. Andy and Jennifer are perfect for each other and we are so excited to have Jennifer as part of our family.

We were able to do a lot during the seven days we were gone. I have so many little stories and a zillion pictures. We might need to separate them into a few different posts :)

This post is going to be about our adventure of just getting to our destination, Pittsburgh. I'll start at the beginning, San Diego Airport awaiting our very first flight of a very exciting, fun filled adventure.
Elijah was very excited about flying inside of an airplane! He was standing against the glass, starring at all the airplanes landing and taking off. He would yell "Ae-pane, Ae-pane". He also does this thing where, if he spots any guy that is some what around Joey's age, height, or hair color he yells out "Daddy!" Even if Joey's right next to him. So of course there were a few guys outside the widow that fit that criteria.

             Here he is twirling in circles with excitement.
Our little Elijah is anything but shy. So of course while walking onto the airplane he makes sure to say hello to every flight attendant working on our plane. He also thanks everyone for doing anything. He is very polite in that way.
 Of course we all know when you load onto a plane, take off is not instantaneous. You have to sit patiently while the air is not turned on yet and every single passengers stench is sitting in the stale air, very ripe, impossible to ignore. This bothered me much more than it did the boys. I just thought I would share my annoyance with you.
 Eli knew we would be flying up in the sky soon, he was very happy, anxious and excited! Which was what was most important. Meanwhile I'm kind of stressing, hoping I've brought enough snacks, crafts, toys and movies to keep the boy occupied during the flight.

Well this was taken minutes after we took off........................

And these, soon after.
Being airsick was some what of a damper to his first flying experience. Soooo pitiful :(

We made it to Houston! Filling up his Houston bag of rocks. These were apparently very important decisions to make. It took a while......

I think we've all had to live through the stress of wondering if you're going to land in time to catch a connecting flight. Joey and I have cut it close a few times now. We're use to the good ole' Home Alone "Run Run Rudolph" dash through the airport. 
Unfortunately our flight from Houston to Chicago was just too much of a delay and we completely missed our flight. We were stuck in Chicago for the night.

Obviously this delay was a bummer. The airline did not cover our hotel stay that night, and we lost one whole night to spend with family.
Some good came out of the three of us missing our flight. Joey and I had some good Chicago pizza and hot wings delivered to our room! 
Most importantly, after Eli getting airsick, having a fever, and being exhausted he was able to get a great night sleep. In his very own BIG bed :)

In the shuttle, for our 2nd attempt to get out of Chicago.


                  We made it! Rex greeted us as the airport,
                               a great surprise for Eli.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The history of our grandparents is remembered not with rose petals but in the laughter and tears of their children and their children's children.  It is into us that the lives of grandparents have gone.  It is in us that their history becomes a future.  ~Charles and Ann M


     Marilyn Anderson 1935-2011     


Chalmers Richard Smith 1925-2011